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With four decades of experience in education, Dr. Bernstein has mentored young and old, and has changed the lives of countless people in their personal and professional roles.

His skill lies in his ability to listen, guide and motivate people of all backgrounds by sharing his wisdom and experience to make a lasting and positive impact on those who seek his advice.



Parents facing challenging

times at home can often feel exasperated with their children’s demands and behaviour. As the world becomes a more confusing place and boundaries become blurred, parents are reaching out for sound advice and guidance.


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'We were highly recommended to use Dr Bernstein for our struggling teenage daughter. We set up a number of sessions and …. we were highly satisfied, way beyond our expectations. Dr B. has a way "to let the medicine go down in the most delightful way" '.  



    Mentoring children of all ages.



'Thank you for your email. I understood the video, so now every time I lose..., I will know how it feels...but I won't ever give up!'


Call Dr. Bernstein now for a free non-obligation chat


☎ From UK : 0161 394 0074 or +972 (0)585 79 69 79.​


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